Saturday night was a rather pleasant affair with some culture in evidence as we hit the town and went to the home of the Canadian Parliament to watch an outdoor Military Commemoration display. The bands of the RCMP and US Marine Corps were present plus a number of local singers to pay tribute to the armed services and in particular the Navy which is 100 years old this year.
Stealing shamelessly from the English the RCMP band is dressed like the Guards complete with bear skins. The show was quite good and the climax was a performance of the 1812 overture complete with artillery. The last post and the lowering of the flag plus both the US and Canadian anthems was quite moving, particularly as they dedicated that moment to the memory of the last WW1 Canadian Soldier who died a few weeks ago.
After the show we headed into town, just for a couple of beers , and then got the bus back to our accommodation at Carlton University.
The accommodation was very good, we stayed in one of the residences, which was quite posh with Internet, satellite TV, and hot and cold water!
Once back at my room I was able to Skype with Matt, Zoe and Lois and catch up, the girls had just got back from the Lion King in London and then I had to have a little nap before eating again.
Dinner was precooked chicken and salad in the rooms followed by Liverpool v Arsenal on the TV and an early night.
Onwards and Upwards
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