Today was a great day.
Breakfast done we headed out shrouded under mist which took a while to clear. Tom had obviously rested well as he took off over the horizon and we never saw him again all day. I, however, felt a little sluggish and just eased my way into the day knowing this was only number 1 of 7.
Today’s ride continued with the shield theme; rolling hills and the occasional stiff climb and then long winding descents to help you recuperate as we skirted along the western edge of Lake Superior.
Services were limited all day but by calling into various park offices and visitor centres we were able to get plenty of water. The temperature wasn’t too high but even when it was misty it was really humid and I was losing a lot of fluid so it was important to keep the intake up.
As the day wore on the hills got easier and the last 50km were relatively flat and although it was still misty there were some spectacular views of Lake Superior and the many island just offshore.
I have seen bit of wildlife today; a mink ran across our path this morning, a dead moose was lying by eh side of the road having been hit by a car, it was rather smelly though, and then just before we got to the site I spotted some Sand Cranes, a relatively rare crane walking across the fields next to the highway.
Our campsite tonight is another provincial camp, once again we are nestled amongst trees and on the edge of Lake Superior, facilities are good and so far Mozzy free and tonight we have a tans pasta dish for tea. Looking ahead we have found out we should be cooking Peanut Chilli on Thursday; we have made a request to change that to normal chilli as even the vegetarians don’t fancy that.
Tomorrows run is probably going to be the last difficult climbing day for a while, although it’s long at 105 miles there are only a couple of stiff climbs in the early part and then we start to get into more rolling countryside as we head toward civilization in Southern Ontario.
Onwards and Upwards!
Hi to Tom, Randy and Andy,
ReplyDeleteJust want you all to know that you are welcomed back into civilization again! See you in Owen Sound and Alliston.
Happy biking:)
Jane Rogers
Tom keep up the good work we are all rooting for you. Andy can you please pass this on for me. Andy, Randy and Tom hope the wind is at your back and Tim Horton's are just around the corner. Love Mom Rogers