At the cottage was Gwen, Chris, DJ (Chris's wife) Sam and Jack (Kids) Jacqui and Roberta.
Although I've seen Larry and Gwen a couple of times relatively recently it's been 30 years since we kids had seen each other but it was if it was yesterday only a few more wrinkles.
The cottage is idyllic, set on the banks of the river with tumbling water rushing past, a deck and the ultimate batchelor pad with open plan rooms and a huge fire place.
A few beers and a good gossip later we headed into town for dinner and I had my first decent steak since arriving in Canada.
Back to the cottage and a real bed; it was so hot and humid after the storms though that I just slept on top of the sheets.
I awoke at about 6am and enjoyed stretching out and not touching anything damp and not having to pack up the tent. When everyone was up we nipped into town for breakfast and then I took them to the camp site to show them the squaller I have to put up with during this trip and introduced them to a few of the cyclists.
Chris and I then headed into town to get washing done, swap the mattress, a haircut and other bits and pieces before we made our way back tot he cottage where the weather was glorious and I spent the afternoon day sipping beer and alternating sitting on the deck or paddling in the river and catching up with the various family members.
Sadly the time will come when I have to go back to camp, Chris will drop me off in the morning and I will have to get cracking to sort water bottles food etc for the day. I would think with so many people being absent over the rest day I wont be the only one scrabbling around first thing though and I think we have a relatively easy day at about 70 miles to complete.
So now to bed, I have had a fantastic time, thanks must go to the Lake family for such great hospitality, I promise it wont be 30 years before we meet again!
Onwards and Upwards!
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