Breakfast was cold and we were on the road by 6.30 and blasted the 36km tot he ferry terminal where we had another proper breakfast before boarding.
The ferry ride lasted about one and a half hours during which I spent most of the time sunning myself or sleeping in a nice wooden chair I found next to Pierre. On arrival in Tobermorey we had fish and chips before heading to the camp site.
Tonights site is in a wood but no Mozzy's, the owner is very nice and has let me use the Internet as “ I am a long way from home” so I can get my blog up to date.
Tomorrow is a longer day, 66 miles or so to Owen Sound.
Onwards and Upwards!
Enjoy your stay in beautiful Tobermory. Looks like the weather for tomorrow will be perfect for biking to Owen Sound. The Bruce Peninsula is an awesome area of the province for biking, hiking, kayaking, boating, etc. Ferndale has a great 2nd breakfast or lunch stop at the corner where you will be turning left at. Enjoy!! Terri Rintoul