Saturday, 7 August 2010

Day 41 Thessalon to Spanish Marina 66 miles

After another rainy night we had a lazy start as we knew we only had about 66 miles to do today and we were banking on a tail wind.

Randy, Tom and I moved off together but it only lasted 3km before Tom got sidetracked and we didn't see him again until camp.

Randy and I battled on along what I understand as a rolling road and with a stiff tail wind we were cruising at about 33km/h. We had a brief coffee stop and then stopped for a snack at Blind River, where it would appear every aged person in Canada had turned up and tried to get into Timmy's, so Randy and I headed into town. I had an Omelette and Coke and then we were back on the saddle to complete the remaining 50km.

We soon knocked off the distance and hit camp at about 2pm.

This is where my problems started. As usual I get off the bike, grab the laptop and plug it in to charge the GPS whilst I put up the tent. As I switched it on to allow the GPS charging to start a strange screen appeared and then it refused to start up or load Windows.

I gave Matt a shout, he's techy, and got on with putting my tent up and sorting washing etc, thanks to Randy, hoping he could reboot it in the mean time. Sadly it appears not and despite the best efforts of both Matt and Kelly we cannot reboot to the point where XP works.

At some point it was suggested by Dell that I need to restore my settings but that means I will loose all my data, photos etc which is an absolute pig. Thankfully Kelly, also a computer expert has whizz bang kit that plugs into my USB and provides me with the ability to run the computer on another operating system ( no I don't understand either) but the upshot is I can access my files and Internet etc and hopefully as time goes by we can either sort the original problem or I can copy all my files onto a back up disk and then restore my laptop.

Dinner was very stressful as I was whittling about my laptop but I am hopefully now at least able to save my files and keep updating my blog etc, even if without as many photos.

Tomorrow is 88 miles with some hills, The weather looks Ok and a tail wind is forecast so hopefully things will be fine.

Onwards and Upwards

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