Today was always going to be a bit weird for me but it started with the usual dash out of camp to get away from the mosquitoes, I must have had hundreds of bites by the tie I managed to roll up the tent and grab some food and even when you are on the road as soon as you stop moving the little gits just appear from nowhere.
The scramble from camp meant I was on my own for the first 30km or so but I was quite happy with that as it gave me some time to think about my arrival in Thunder Bay. I have to admit I was actually feeling a bit emotional about the day ahead; over the last 40 odd years I have had the ambition to visit and have often wondered what Thunder Bay was like, only having the odd photo and Mum and Dad’s memories to work on.
The visit had played a big part in the decision making to do the trip and at times had been the motivation to get me up and over the mountains. Add to that the fact that more than likely this will be the only time I will ever visit the Bay and I hope you’ll understand why I was feeling the way I was.

The ride itself was long hot one, after about 30km I got to the Atlantic divide, the place where the drainage is such that land water either flows to the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. At this point I was joined by Tom, Randy, Dan and Shirley and we headed off together. We were very lucky during the morning at the only shop for over 100km opened just as we got to it, so we stocked up on fluids and cracked on.
Our second stop of the day was about 40 miles West of Thunder Bay, we were told of an impending severe Thunder storm so we changed the route and took a short cut. Unbeknown to us at decision making time the short-cut involved a very steep climb but the bonus was there was a milkshake stand at the top of which we made full use.

The rest of the ride was fairly easy and mostly downhill. We entered town, headed for a bike shop, dumped the bikes and got a lift to the University where we were staying for the two nights. After catching up with the family (I’ve had no mobile signal for two days) we went for a beer but I was knackered and was back to bed by about 11pm. Coming back early was a waste of time though as it was still so hot and humid that even with the air fan on it was impossible to sleep.
Tomorrow is a rest day which I plan to spend sightseeing, eating and sleeping.
Onwards and Upwards!
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