Today was horrendous.
The night was wet, windy and very cold, down to about 4 degrees, I had everything I could wear on and was still freezing.
When I eventually gave up trying to sleep I emerged to a mostly cold breakfast, as the cookers kept going out, they only just managed to get some porridge and there was some grumbling amongst the riders about the safety with such high winds. After a few words most decided to carry on, but I have to admit I would have probably opted for a warm vehicle if the option had been there.
Never the less we set off shortly after 7am and after about 2 miles turned right and had a tail wind for the next 84 km. We absolutely blasted along and covered the first 50 miles without stopping in less than 3 hours.
We pulled into an A&J, a Breakfast/Burger joint, and had a meal, we were absolutely soaked and frozen. After about an hour we were still wet and so Randy, Tom and I decided to head for a local Laundromat and dry off.
After a warm up we headed back out into the rain; the next 4km was direct into the wind and then we turned left and for the remaining 90km we had a strong tail wind.
We eventually made camp quite early at about 2.30 and after putting up a still soaking tent headed for the showers which were mostly cold! I then gathered my soaking kit and any other washing and headed into town to get my stuff washed and dried. There was quite a queue but it was warm and dry so we spent an hour or so just chatting waiting for each other’s washing.
When we got back we found out three people were missing and still out on the road. At 7pm, after dinner was served, Serge and Piere arrived having taken a wrong turn and doing an additional 60km shortly followed by J who had become so lost he had knocked on a farmer’s door and beg a lift to the camp site.
Overall a tough day but I’m glad I completed it and one good point is that Erin, one of the staff bought me an eiderdown cover from Wallmart and so tonight should be warmer.
Today I passed the 1000 mile mark, only 4500 miles to go.
Onwards and Upwards!!
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