After a really good sleep we hit the road to find the wind was not as strong but the road took us more into it.
The first 20km were painfully slow and my cycle buddies Tom and Randy and I had to work in 2km rotations to take the force of the wind.
However after about 20km the wind seemed to be more of assistance than it had been at the start and we started to make some progress.
Today’s ride was split into 30km lumps which happened to coincide with somewhere to stop and get juice or water.
Today was our longest day so far both in terms of distance and time in the saddle. We were out for 6hrs 32 mins and with breaks etc it makes it a long day. Today it was about 20 minutes too long as we got caught in a thunder storm as we approached town. We didn’t get too wet but others did and some even had to take cover under farm trailers to avoid injury from hail stones, one of the ladies showed me a welt from a hail stone on her leg, it was about the size of a 20p bit.
As I type there is a thunder storm going on and people are trying to cook diner between down pours, I think I’m going to have to tie the tent down a little better as the rain is causing the outer fly to collapse… I’ll wait until it stops!
Onwards and Upwards!
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