Monday, 22 March 2010

Increasing the mileage

Didn’t need to worry too much about the rack and bag, Pitsford Cycles didn’t quibble at all and just swapped it for a smaller road bike specific bag, a little smaller in volume but having tested it out this weekend I am happy it is big enough for Canada.

The Trek complete with new rack and bag

On Sunday I cycled to Nuneaton. Now that might not mean much to you, but it represents a significant step to me as it’s far enough on a map for me to think “that’s quite a long way”. I have done that sort of mileage before but it’s a little different when you don’t do a circuit, I felt as if I’d actually gone somewhere and you get to see some new scenery.
What was a little frightening was that as I got off after 53 miles I thought that in about 4 weeks I would still have 47 miles to go to finish the Peterborough 100!

Over all though I was really pleased with the ride, the bike was comfy and even after 3 ½ hours I wasn’t suffering. The added bonus was that mother in Law had a roast dinner ready!

Tonight I have learned an important lesson, don’t take your chain off to clean it, it’s incredibly messy and fiddly and even in a garage under good lights things ping off and get lost….I will just clean it on the bike next time.

The rest of this week is about hills. A couple of hour long rides after work and then next weekend I’m off into the Welland Valley to spend a couple of hours climbing, I know it’s going to hurt but I need to test myself on some serious hills, not only to see how hard it is but also to learn about the gearing and ensure I have confidence in my kit.

Onwards and upwards….only 94 sleeps until Canada

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of your bike. I'm excited to see the rides that everyone has when we all meet up in Vancouver. It's also kinda of exciting to see how fast the days are approaching. I can't believe you arrive in Canada in 94 days. Yikes, it used to be like 194 haha. So very excited. Glad to hear your taking advantage of the warm weather
