Sunday, 21 February 2010

Ok So I broke the bike….can’t be that bad surely

Had a bit of a lazy week, started with the best of intentions but the combination of another cold snap and some fun at work meant a couple of late finishes and the cold of a garage and the turbo lost out to the cold of a beer and the football on the telly.

I did manage to get a hill session in but even then it wasn’t quite to plan as I don’t think the hill was really long enough to get the heart pumping enough.

Having decide on an easy week I have made up for it by hitting Ebay and picking up a few bargains, I think I have just about got every thing I need for the trip now. Previous TDC riders have published some packing lists this week and I think I’m about there with the exception of some cycle spare parts.

Having been somewhat lazy I was banking on getting out for another long Sunday run but a new arrival of snow frustrated me somewhat and so I ended up on the Turbo again just to remove that horrible feeling of guilt you get when you know your not pulling your weight.

Sadly after quite a good 40 minutes of a planned hour intervals session it appears I have managed to screw up my front derailleur system making it impossible to change the front chain ring.

I have whipped it into the cycle shop and they tell me it is called “over shifting”, not sadly the sign of a supremely fit athlete but of someone who doesn’t give his chain time to move and ends up forcing the gear shift. They told me it is common where there is a “triple indexing system on the bike and only a double chain ring”, whilst I don’t doubt they are right I fear that is cycle shop speak for “its not covered under warranty mate”. They have sent it away and it will probably be a week to ten days before I get it back so it looks like its time for the mountain bike to make a return to action, and I will have to get back out running at Corby AC to make sure I don’t lard up in the mean time.

Onwards and upwards

1 comment:

  1. Hello Andy,
    Snow seems to be a frustration for you. Not for me! See my report of winter training under
    Comments are in French.
