Just 24 sleeps left to departure and things appear on track. This week I have managed to keep the mileage quite high and have ended up completing a relatively tough 66 mile ride today (Sunday).
I have spent time this week going through the packing list supplied by previous tourists and with the odd exception I seem to have everything I need. All I need to do now is practice packing the bike or more importantly putting it back together afterwards, and then I’m about ready.
Sunday’s ride was quite pleasant, just the three of us this week, setting off out towards Oundle, across to Ketton and onwards to Rutland Water. Whilst the weather was warm enough there was a strong wind and we seemed to heading into it all the way to our pit stop at the CafĂ© in the North side car park.
It was at about this point that after just over 2100 miles total riding I suffered my first puncture. I’m quite glad I did really, as it soon became clear that mending punctures has moved on since I last did any serious cycling; I was given a lesson on modern ways and was very glad for it.
After about a 10 minute puncture stop we continued back towards home with the wind mostly in our favour. There were a number of stiff climbs but the new gears are much better and although I was puffing a bit I was fairly comfortable. There were a number of rolling descents with the wind behind which meant we could whip along the valley floor at about 20mph with little or no effort, and I managed to get up to 39mph on one downhill section without really trying.
Having climbed out of the Welland Valley, and after a quick pit stop at my son Matt’s house in Wilbarston to top up our water bottles, the last 15 or so miles flashed past wind assisted and I finished feeling relatively fresh.
I feel my training is showing signs of success, a number of times today I was coasting along sections of the ride where on previous rides I had found them quite difficult. There is no doubt I am fitter and certainly stronger in the climbing area, my only concern is can I do it day after day after day. The TDC organisers tell me they plan the first 2/3 weeks with this in mind, so the early days are not as testing as later in the tour, let’s hope that’s not a wind up!
Onwards and Upwards!
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